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Jeffrey Foster
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

****UPDATE July 2021


The HUU images launched with our C-Series M6 Rack Servers are now compatible with the following USB creator toolsets:


Tool name

Tool link

 Supported on Windows

Supported on Linux

Supported on Mac

 UEFI mode

UEFI secure mode









Balena Etcher








*Keep in mind that is for M6 only and SW release 4.2(1) or later. 


A new version of the script is posted below (v3). This version adds additional support for UEFI boot on UCS Rack Servers.


About the Cisco Standalone C-Series Host Update Utility USB Image Utility:

This utility is designed to assist users who want to update firmware on their standalone C-Series server from a USB drive. Specific, this utility will write the HUU ISO image to a bootable USB stick. This USB stick can be used to update firmware on a standalone C-Series server either by changing the boot order or manually selecting the USB device in the <F6> boot menu.


- HUU USB Image Utility
- Linux Server (Tested with RHEL 6.4 and CENTOS 6.4)
- The following package must be installed: syslinux-4.02-8.el6.x86_64 (or later)
- Standalone C-Series HUU Image (to be written)


Note: You may need to unmount the drive to properly execute the script. (umount <dev>)


Tool usage:

sh <UCSB Device> <file.iso>

sh /dev/sdb ucs-c240-huu-



Expected Output: (Note: This is expected output form the tool)

# ./ /dev/sdb ucs-c240-huu-2.0.3d-1.iso







## Creating partitions... Please wait (Will take a few minutes)

10+0 records in

10+0 records out

40960 bytes (41 kB) copied, 0.00440779 s, 9.3 MB/s

Zeroing of USB done.....

Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF disklabel

Building a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0x4e25a2d2.

Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.

After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable.



Warning: invalid flag 0x0000 of partition table 4 will be corrected by w(rite)



WARNING: DOS-compatible mode is deprecated. It's strongly recommended to

         switch off the mode (command 'c') and change display units to

         sectors (command 'u').



Command (m for help): Command action

   e   extended

   p   primary partition (1-4)

Partition number (1-4): First cylinder (1-15272, default 1): Using default value 1

Last cylinder, +cylinders or +size{K,M,G} (1-15272, default 15272):

Command (m for help): The partition table has been altered!



Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.

Syncing disks.



WARNING: DOS-compatible mode is deprecated. It's strongly recommended to

         switch off the mode (command 'c') and change display units to

         sectors (command 'u').



Command (m for help): Partition number (1-4):

Command (m for help): The partition table has been altered!



Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.

Syncing disks.

## Formating the partitions

mkdosfs 3.0.9 (31 Jan 2010)

0+1 records in

0+1 records out

440 bytes (440 B) copied, 0.00460309 s, 95.6 kB/s


`/tmp/HUU/' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./'

`/tmp/HUU/EFI' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./EFI'

`/tmp/HUU/EFI/BOOT' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./EFI/BOOT'

`/tmp/HUU/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.conf' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.conf'

`/tmp/HUU/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.efi' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.efi'

`/tmp/HUU/EFI/BOOT/grub.conf' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./EFI/BOOT/grub.conf'

`/tmp/HUU/EFI/BOOT/initrd0.img' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./EFI/BOOT/initrd0.img'

`/tmp/HUU/EFI/BOOT/isolinux.bin' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./EFI/BOOT/isolinux.bin'

`/tmp/HUU/EFI/BOOT/isolinux.cfg' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./EFI/BOOT/isolinux.cfg'

`/tmp/HUU/EFI/BOOT/splash.jpg' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./EFI/BOOT/splash.jpg'

`/tmp/HUU/EFI/BOOT/splash.xpm.gz' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./EFI/BOOT/splash.xpm.gz'

`/tmp/HUU/EFI/BOOT/vesamenu.c32' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./EFI/BOOT/vesamenu.c32'

`/tmp/HUU/EFI/BOOT/vmlinuz0' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./EFI/BOOT/vmlinuz0'

`/tmp/HUU/firmware.squashfs' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./firmware.squashfs'

`/tmp/HUU/isolinux' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./isolinux'

`/tmp/HUU/isolinux/' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./isolinux/'

`/tmp/HUU/isolinux/efiboot.img' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./isolinux/efiboot.img'

`/tmp/HUU/isolinux/initrd0.img' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./isolinux/initrd0.img'

`/tmp/HUU/isolinux/isolinux.bin' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./isolinux/isolinux.bin'

`/tmp/HUU/isolinux/isolinux.cfg' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./isolinux/isolinux.cfg'

`/tmp/HUU/isolinux/splash.jpg' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./isolinux/splash.jpg'

`/tmp/HUU/isolinux/vesamenu.c32' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./isolinux/vesamenu.c32'

`/tmp/HUU/isolinux/vmlinuz0' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./isolinux/vmlinuz0'

`/tmp/HUU/LiveOS' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./LiveOS'

`/tmp/HUU/LiveOS/osmin.img' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./LiveOS/osmin.img'

`/tmp/HUU/LiveOS/squashfs.img' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./LiveOS/squashfs.img'

`/tmp/HUU/Release-Notes-SL2.txt' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./Release-Notes-SL2.txt'

`/tmp/HUU/squashfs_img.md5' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./squashfs_img.md5'

`/tmp/HUU/TOC_SANLUIS2.xml' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./TOC_SANLUIS2.xml'

`/tmp/HUU/tools.squashfs' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./tools.squashfs'

`/tmp/HUU/VIC_FIRMWARE' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./VIC_FIRMWARE'

`/tmp/HUU/VIC_FIRMWARE/cruzboot.bin' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./VIC_FIRMWARE/cruzboot.bin'

`/tmp/HUU/VIC_FIRMWARE/cruzfw.bin' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./VIC_FIRMWARE/cruzfw.bin'

`/tmp/HUU/VIC_FIRMWARE/paloboot.bin' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./VIC_FIRMWARE/paloboot.bin'

`/tmp/HUU/VIC_FIRMWARE/palofw.bin' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./VIC_FIRMWARE/palofw.bin'

`/tmp/HUU/VIC_FIRMWARE/serenoboot.bin' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./VIC_FIRMWARE/serenoboot.bin'

`/tmp/HUU/VIC_FIRMWARE/serenofw.bin' -> `/tmp/usb2.4196/./VIC_FIRMWARE/serenofw.bin'



Disk /dev/sdb: 16.0 GB, 16013852672 bytes

64 heads, 32 sectors/track, 15272 cylinders

Units = cylinders of 2048 * 512 = 1048576 bytes

Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

Disk identifier: 0x4e25a2d2



   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System

/dev/sdb1   *           1        1025     1049584   83  Linux


Katisha Burns
Level 1
Level 1

@John Blazek 

I had that same problem and Paul Chapman sent a Rufus fix. See below:

rufus bootable usb fix.PNG

John Blazek
Level 1
Level 1


Katisha Burns
Level 1
Level 1

@John Blazek 

You have CDLABEL=C636-ADED. It should be UUID=C636-ADED. Once you change this, it will probably work. Hope this helps.

John Blazek
Level 1
Level 1

@Katisha Burns
I saw that just after I posted.. but couldn't figure out how to delete the post.

Oddly, when I tried the same (wrong) thing with 4.1.2f - it actually went further.
I'm trying again with the 4.1.2g and UUID...

**EDIT**  @Katisha Burns  thanks again .
@Paul Chapmanthanks for finding and sharing the *fix*.

Thanks to all who responded and tried to help.
It could be made a lot simpler for the next Beginner if someone from Cisco updated the ORIGINAL POST with step by step:
1) download RUFUS
2) download the desired HUU.iso
3) Burn the .iso onto a USB with Rufus
4) from command prompt - dir <drive> .. e.g.  dir f:
5) copy the volume serial number into isolinux.cfg
 and   *INCLUDE PAUL's Pictures.

it took me 5 calendar days.. and about 15 hours of research, trial & error .. to go from "hey i need to update firmware" .. to "WHEW.. finally updated! NOW i need a double Scotch rocks"

@Cedric Metzger
@Greg Wilkinson


Katisha Burns
Level 1
Level 1

@John Blazek 

Hope it works for you. I had the same issue. Keep us posted. I'm invested in your progress now.  

John Blazek
Level 1
Level 1

@Katisha Burns 
It appears my excitement was premature.
With only 2 USB slots it was a bit tedious having to switch the cable for keyboard and mouse, because the 2nd slot had the thumb drive.

But, the HUU program booted... and said it was installing everything... all rows were marked PASS
I then ran the Hard Drive firmware update.
I then clicked Verify and it said 'need to reboot first'.
I then clicked EXIT and it popped up a panel needing confirmation  [NO] [yes]

But when I clicked on it with the mouse.. nothing changed on the screen.
Neither the keyboard nor mouse was responding.

I got the system to reboot and booted once more to the thumb drive.
The HUU said Firmware and BIOS were NOT updated, but everything else was.
I re-ran the UPDATE for both.
This time I clicked exit and just watched and waited... assuming that the programmer had failed to indicate the reboot in progress on the screen.

The system came on, then off, then back on...  and then twice it let me click F6 to get the boot menu...
But before the boot menu comes up, the system shuts down.
So, I came back to the office and checked to see if the CIMC was online.. which it was..
And, it let me log in...
And, it said the power on the server was OFF
And it showed that the CIMC and firmware had been updated.

But when I clicked on the screen to power up the server, I got the original  SERVER NOT RESPONDING message.
After waiting about 5 minutes, the CIMC login is now available again.
So I logged in, again.. and starred at a white screen for almost 2 minutes before the CIMC came up on  firefox.
Now it says the server power is ON.
And i was able to to connect to the kvm and it shows vmware was loading.

I'm concerned that the power button on the front of the server was unresponsive and I couldn't turn the server ON from there.

maybe it's just me, but I don't like "unexplained" weirdness.
So far .. now.. this time.. it appears to be booting correctly via KVM through CIMC

*sigh* ..

Katisha Burns
Level 1
Level 1

@John Blazek ,

Wow...what a roller coaster. Well, I'm glad to hear you can get to it via KVM. 

Level 1
Level 1

Thank you @Paul Chapman  your fix worked for me

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