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Voice VLAN 10 and Data VLAN 20 | same switch port | laptop over ip ph

Hi All

Please help me, guys.

I have configured the cisco business 350 series switch as below.

My requirement
Voice VLAN 10 and Data VLAN 20
I need to carry both VLANs since I'm using a Laptop over an IP phone
So used the CMD in all switch ports "switchport general allowed VLAN add 30,80 untagged"
It's working fine too.
But the problem is when I unplug the IP phone and connect the laptop directly to the same port, it does not work.


what is configured 

interface GigabitEthernet2

switchport general allowed vlan add 30,80 untagged

What its showing after I connect the port

interface GigabitEthernet2

storm-control broadcast level 10

storm-control multicast level 10

port security max 10

port security mode max-addresses

port security discard trap 60

spanning-tree portfast

spanning-tree bpduguard enable

switchport mode trunk

switchport general allowed vlan add 30,80 untagged

switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,30

macro description ip_phone_desktop

!next command is internal.

macro auto smartport dynamic_type ip_phone_desktop


Thank you in advance for help

Vinoth Kumar


1 Reply 1

Aleksandra Dargiel
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

hello Vinoth,

actually it looks like that the active mode is trunk:

switchport mode trunk



you can double check this by displaying output show interfaces switchport <gi2> and please check with is next to the Operational Mode:....


this would give you an idea what the the actual mode as switch accepts so called shadow configuration as well...

also you may want to check show mac address-table interface gi2


this would give you an idea in which vlan the laptop MAC address actually IS.
