Omar Santos
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
Member since ‎11-28-2006

User Statistics

  • 232 Posts
  • 15 Solutions
  • 428 Helpful votes Given
  • 742 Helpful votes Received
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Events Top Contributor 2022
600 Helpful Vote
15 Accepted Solution
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5 Accepted Solution
300 Helpful Vote
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User Activity

We recently hosted a live stream with Cisco DevNet discussing AI security. The session covered a range of topics, from current vulnerabilities in AI systems to future trends, the risks associated with large language models (LLMs), and strategies for ...
AI Security Summit - November 30, 2023   If you are reading this is because you are interested in cybersecurity and artificial intelligence (AI). It has never been more crucial to discuss AI security. We invite you to join us at the AI Security Summi...
Recently, I've received numerous inquiries regarding Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) — what it entails and the advantages it offers. Additionally, I have been using and demonstrating the power of Langchain and its application across a broad spec...
As described in this article, the Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange (VEX) allows a software supplier or other parties to assert the status of specific vulnerabilities in a particular product. VEX serves as a way to convey the condition of a soft...
At Cisco, we are committed to delivering an intuitive and secure experience for developers like you, as you integrate our APIs into your web applications, mobile apps, or smart devices. The Cisco API Console is designed to guide you seamlessly throu...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-28-2006 04:36 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-05-2024 12:09 AM
Posts 232
Total Helpful Votes Received 742
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