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Software Journey for CCIE Security

Level 1
Level 1

Hi ,


I am having nearly 19 years of core cyber security experience , I was going through Secure-X Orchestration workflows labs , found little complicated as programing workflow is pretty new to me


Would you please suggest that what should be my learning path as I want to get into core of these workflows & API's




3 Replies 3

Level 1
Level 1



Welcome to the DevNet learning club then! I'm also new to DevNet and learning my way through the API.


I'd recommend you to start off by taking the free Cisco courses, they will offer a lab environment and detailed step by step explanations on how to achieve each action, from there, you can play with request options and also manipulate the results.


I took the Cisco FMC DevNet course, check out the DevNet page for info on the subject you need:


Hope this was helpful, good luck!


Marvin Rhoads
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

I took the Devnet Express for Security 2 day blitz and found it a bit overwhelming. So I've decided to step back to basics and have signed up for the DevNet Associate Certification Guided Study Group. It will establish my foundation knowledge and help me earn the Devnet Associate certification in the process.

More info can be found here:

There is also a series of (paid) courses available on Pluralsight. See the following for example:


Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hello Vijay,


I am also CCIE Security and haves  started my programmability journey 3 years ago. If you work for Cisco Partner - we will be releasing a Learning Map that will take you step by step through Coding Fundamentals and API basics for Cisco Security portfolio.

In the mean time, here are a few DevNet courses that will get you started:

Developer Workstation Setup 

REST API Fundamentals

Programming Fundamentals

Threat Hunting Workshop with Cisco Security APIs


Working with SecureX Orchestration does require a little bit of practice. Check out this YouTube playlist for some additional walk through exercises.