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Duo Integration with office 365

Hello Community,

Could you help us, with an interrogation that we have, well, we are looking to integrate DUO MFA to an existing Office 365, but just like a demo to allow 5 users test and use the MFA, but according the documentation that we have reading, Duo Protection for Office 365 | Duo Security, we need to put an authentication source like Microsoft AD, after we configure this authentication method, the whole users existing in the office 365 now need to use the password from AD and their local office 365 credentials are not being working anymore.

Could you suggest some way to solve this issue, or maybe telling us that is not possible to do that.

Thanks for your answer.

2 Replies 2

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi @IvanEspinoza754,

The link you provided is to protect Office 365 with the Duo Access Gateway by setting up federation between the Duo Access Gateway and Office 365 using SAML. This approach is great if you want to protect many SAML 2.0 applications but if you’re looking to only protect Office 365 logins you might want to take a look at our integration with Azure Conditional Access.

This process is a lot less involved and will let easily protect Office 365 logins with Duo MFA.

Hello Jamie,

Thanks for your answer, is gratificant to know that in this community many people are interested to help, about your reply, I have a question, in this case will be need to create an azure service an create the users that existing in office 365 to allow MFA to that users is that correct?


Ivan Espinoza

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