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Automate deployment of secure endpoint?

Level 1
Level 1

Hello all, 

Does anyone have suggestions for the best way to automate the installation of secure endpoint to end devices?

Have a large deployment and trying to find solutions to simplify it. The environment will be a mix of Windows and Mac.


Any resource or ideas would be great. 


4 Replies 4

Use whatever normal deployment you use for other software... we use a task sequence in our build process and then do upgrades from the endpoint console. The one twist we have is that Orbital, which is pulled down by Secure Endpoint. The download and the Task Sequence don't play well, so we deploy to a group that doesn't have orbital and move the machines over later via an API call.

Level 1
Level 1

As Ken said use whatever you use now. One tip is if that is part of a build image make sure you use the switch /goldenimage 1. This prevents Endpoint from registering. If you this is not used you will end up with multiple machines with the same GUID which will cause a load of issues. I know this from first hand experience  


Whole bunch of info here on the Cisco site regarding command line switches. 

While I am here there is a Best Practices guide for Endpoint can be found here 

Both of the links above open in a new page/tab


If you are looking for an automated tool for installation of software then suggest a look at, can be used to install software as well as patching. 

Level 1
Level 1

I was able to wrap the .exe with a tool called MSI Wrapper. From there I used PowerShell to deploy the .MSI across 200 servers. It took about an hour roughly for them to all report in.  You can put whatever flags you need into the MSI tool.

The script relies on an array file that lists what servers you are targeting. Basically a .CSV with the FQDN's of each server.

Here is the script:

$file = '\\*Server*\*Share*\AmpConnector.msi'
$computers = Get-Content C:\Users\*yourUserName*\Desktop\array1.csv


foreach($computer in $computers){
Copy-Item -Path $file -Destination "\\$computer\c$\windows\temp\AmpConnector.msi"

Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computer -ScriptBlock{
&cmd.exe /c MSIEXEC /I "c:\windows\temp\AmpConnector.msi"
Write-Host($computer + "install is completed.")

I mean at that point (as an MSI) you can do it via GPO.